Sunday, June 6, 2010

The New Lonesome West

I'm gonna hijack this blog. That's right. Steal. Kidnap. Commandeer. Shanghai. Filch. Pilfer. Whatever you want to call it.

Of course, it's my blog already, so maybe that's overstating it a bit but, really, it was originally created for a very specific purpose--a purpose that no longer exists. And I just cannot get comfortable with the idea of it just sitting here in cyberspace, doing nothing. Gathering cosmic dust. Nor do I want to delete it.

So I'm going to continue it. For no specific purpose. Yet. And who knows what will happen...

... it could devolve into some sort of self-indulgent, wine or scotch driven drivel...or maybe it will become a happy, peaceful, and contemplative place for me (and others) to hang out.


Just know that I want to keep going. And I'm tired of feeling like I'm supposed to know where I'm headed before I start heading there.

I'd rather just make like J. T. K. and BOLDLY GO for a change.

I wonder if I should change the name....